
The latest achievements of biological scientists and researchers have opened new horizons to enjoy such methods and facilities to obtain sustainable health as the infrastructure of sustainable society and longer life. According to researchers, stem cell technology and treatment methods based on such techniques are considered among unique and the best technologies and methods which promote the countries enjoying them. Read More...




What we are enthusiastically seeking for is promoting our capabilities and catching up with the latest achievements and progresses made throughout the world and keep ourselves uploaded in order to serve our people in all parts of our country in the first step and following that we will do our utmost to hold a global network of collaboration and contribution with our counterparts all over the world to pave our path ahead toward providing a sustainable healthy living style for all human beings.

10 Sep
33 Visit

25th Royan Congress on Reproductive Medicine and 20th Royan Congress on Stem Cell

Royan Stem Cell Technology Company (RSCT) hosted the participants through Royan International Twin Congress

06 May
226 Visit

3rd International Congress of West Asian and North African Countries (WANA) in Urmia

3rd International Congress of West Asian and North African Countries (WANA) in UrmiaThe 3rd International Congress of West Asian and North African Countries (WANA) will be held in cooperation with Royan Institute and the University of Medical Science...


Thanks to the latest technology, we are striving to embrace and exploit it to race our activities and research ahead in the realm of Cord Blood and Stem Cell Technology so that we can play our role as one of the reputable research centers in this realm of science.



What is Cord Blood?
Cord blood, which is also called “placental blood” is the blood that remain in the umbilical cord and placenta following birth and cutting the cord. Read More...
Why save Cord Blood?
Potential to save your baby’s or another family member’s life. A once-in-a-life time opportunity: immediately after birth. Read More...
Banking with Royan
It’s very easy, just decide to keep your baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cell in royan cord blood bank (RCBB). You can contact RCBB center or its branch in your country/city to sign a contract. Read More...



URS ISO 14001
URS ISO 14001
URS ISO 9001
URS ISO 9001
DAS ISO 10002:2004
DAS ISO1 0002